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​Area of Expertise

Domaines d’interventions: Feature

Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy

I speak with patients within the framework of a brief therapy or of a longer analysis.

Discussions take place face-to-face, within the framework of an integrative approach. This consists in the therapist developing and combining various types of therapeutic approaches so as to best correspond to the patient’s personality and needs. For children, most of the time, therapy work takes place with drawing, playing, the observation of the child’s attitude.


Attentive, neutral and respectful listening is devoid of judgment.

This method aims at attenuating psychological suffering and at giving the patient tools to better manage his / her daily life. In that sense, it can be considered as a tool of personal development.


I mainly use an analytical therapeutic approach. The theoretical basis for analytical psychotherapy is the same as the one used in psychoanalysis. Nevertheless, the therapist intervenes more often, as his / her attitude is more active and more direct than in the psychoanalytic cure, which will be aimed at patients who need to perform deeper work, and then, it will be called an analytical cure.


I take action with patients within the framework of brief sessions or of a longer therapy.


Discussions take place face-to-face, within the framework of a therapeutic approach that may combine several methods : psychotherapy, prescription of exercises to perform at home, advice, relaxation, explanations on sexual functioning …


The sexual disorders for which the patient can be brought to see a doctor are varied and the symptoms are different.


For men

  • Sexual desire disorder: absence of desire, addictive behaviors …

  • Erectile dysfunction: the inability to have an erection or to keep an erection going

  • Ejaculation disorders: rapid or premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation , anejaculation (the absence of ejaculation) …

  • The inability to reach orgasm

  • Sexual disorders that appear when planning to have a child (particularly when helping out with medically assisted procreation – MAP) or after the child’s birth

  • Difficulties related to sexual orientation

  • The need to find information on sexual functioning and to get help with sexual fulfillment.


For women

  • Sexual desire disorder: absence of desire, addictive behaviors …

  • Sexual excitement disorders

  • Penetration pains (dyspareunia)

  • The impossibility of being penetrated: primary or secondary vaginismus

  • Trouble achieving orgasm: anorgasmia (the absence of orgasm)

  • Sexual disorders that appear when planning to have a child (particularly when helping out with medically assisted procreation – MAP) or after the child’s birth

  • Questions related to the fact of being a « squirter » (female ejaculation)

  • Difficulties related to sexual orientation

  • The need to find information on sexual functioning and to get help with sexual fulfillment

  • ​

The above list of disorders is not comprehensive. A patient may see a doctor for other symptoms that have an impact on his sex life and on his love life but also on his married life.

Couple Coaching

I see heterosexual or homosexual couples within the framework of a one-off consultation or of a longer therapy.

The couple goes naturally through various stages. However, it can see its stability and harmony deteriorate alarmingly, often as a consequence of unsettling and weakening events.


Then, the spouses have to face changes in the quality of their communication, from a global and/or sexual standpoint.

Then, recurring tensions often appear, including lack of understanding, sadness, anger, a lack of desire, withdrawal, or even doubts on the sustainability of the relationship.



If the couple cannot get out of this deadlock alone, it may resort to couple therapy to better understand the reasons that gave birth to this situation and to manage to implement solutions to make the relationship evolve.

Depending on the problems that are encountered, the therapy may take place in couple sessions only or may combine couple sessions with individual sessions with one spouse or both.


The mode of the therapy consists in an approach that combines various methods so as to ensure that the spouses may have a better communication and more understanding

Thus, the objective of the therapy will be to work on the relationship between the two spouses and to evaluate the resources and the motivations of each, to see whether a re-commitment is possible or whether a break-up is the one way out of the relationship crisis.


Besides, even if children do not take part in sessions, the issues of the mode of education and of family harmony are of course tackled, as the couple is at the same time a couple and parents.


The follow-up of a therapy with a psychoanalyst or a sexologist who speaks the patient’s French mother tongue is indispensable to be efficient.


This is why I see French and French-speaking expatriates, for brief sessions or longer therapies.

Discussions take place in my practice or at home, within the framework of a psychotherapy, of an analytical cure, of a sexotherapy or of a couple therapy.


The various problems that expatriation may cause impact both personal well-being and family balance.

The arrival in the foreign country, just like the return to France call “re-entry shock”, may particularly cause depression, a break-up and family disputes. Note that, among French expatriates, every other person gets divorced, whereas the national average is one divorce for three marriages.


For man and woman expatriates, one often realizes that distance with the family, social and cultural environment is endured as a break-up, which may give birth to difficulties or play the role of a booster of conflicts or of disorders that were already there before the expatriation.


The will to integrate, the question of cultural identity, the professional inactivity of one of the two spouses are as many constraints that may lead to feelings of anxiety, of social isolation, of decreasing self-esteem.


As regards the desire of expatriation, it does correspond to a wish related to one’s professional career, to a wish to change one’s life, but it may also echo other more unconscious motivations, related to one’s life story or personality…


I was taught Ericksonian Hypnosis, named after its founder, psychiatrist Milton Erickson.

This soft yet efficient therapy is recommended for certain treatments.


The patient will be in an altered state of consciousness (ASC), like dreaming, trance, relaxation, meditation.

This state of deep relaxation during which the patient will be able to express himself / herself freely will enable the therapist to make resistance crumble and to get faster results. The therapist uses metaphors, that is to say a symbolic language, to guide the subject’s unconscious so that he may find the solutions to his problems himself.


It was noted that, in the treatment of certain pathologies, the therapeutic effects give very good results such as : stopping smoking, drinking, taking drugs, overweight and bulimia, various psychological disorders (phobia, impotence, stress), psychosomatic diseases (eczema, psoriasis, pains), digestive disorders, insomnia.


The coaching is a custom personal or professional support to achieve concrete and measurable results fast.


Through the coaching process the individual, the couple, the teenager deepen their knowledge of themselves and the situation will improve in no time and easily enough relationship to each other and to the environment.


We do a “team work” by action and reaction that in the present to react more positively to any situation.


NLP is a collection of patterns and techniques the aims of which are to improve the communication between individuals and to improve oneself. It can be used in personal contexts or in corporate contexts.


  • Programming: for our types of behaviors (acquired and reproduced)

  • Neuro: for our ways of thinking

  • Linguistic: for our language and our way to communicate.


NLP is also the art and the science of communication. It is taught in trainings (see the calendar).

(786) 461-3111

Courvoisier Center 601 Brickell Key Drive floor 7th Miami FL United States 33131

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